Pricebook Button Feature

The buttons featured on the Pricebook Listing window mimic many of the same actions as their respective buttons featured in the previous section, Product Manager (Advanced Search, Reset, Export, page and list #, Search bar, Batch Edit, Select All and +New).


$SRP: HQ Retail. HQ updates SRP from their end and changes are immediately available in your Pricebook listing (based on last Reload/Refresh).

NEW changes to SRP will display in your HQ Notifications to accept or reject.



To change retails to SRP from the Pricebook Manager screen, simply click then highlight the items you wish to change and click the $SRP button(pictured above) and a search window will appear (pictured below).

Enter the criteria and click OK. Items will move to pending price change screen waiting to be published.


ADD ONLY: Only changes items to SRP if they have NO RETAIL, if they have a retail it will remain unchanged.

ADD AND UPDATE: Changes ALL the items in the scope to the SRP whether it had a retail already or not.


NOTE: When using the SRP button in Pricebook, if the item(s) already has some form of retail, the user needs to select 'add and update' rather than 'add only’.